Saturday, May 07, 2005

St. John's College, Annapolis

It's a long story, but I'll keep it short, here. I've been wanting to continue my formal education, but haven't wanted to go for a Ph.D. quite yet. I feel that I need more grounding in the history of ideas before I sign away 5-10 years of my life becoming a doctor of philosphy. As it happens, I picked up an introduction to Classical Greek from my bookshelf the other day and found that someone had penned their name and their college into the fly leaf. The college? St. John's.

St. John's. I'd heard of it before. From a friend at Colonial Williamsburg where I'd worked through highschool and college. He'd wanted to there as a kid, but ended up going to W&M instead. He told me how students there spent 4 years studying Greek and Latin and reading the classics. At the time, it seemed like a cool idea to me, too, but never really considered it. I was already set on going to W&M.

I decided to look it up on the web. When I did, I was immediately hit with the distinct feeling that I'd missed my calling as an undergrad. I should have gone to St. John's. Too bad, I thought, that it doesn't have a graduate program. Anyway, I poked throught he site and dreaming of what might of been when I ran across a link called "Graduate Institute." Could it be? It could. I clicked it. Within minutes, I'd filled out an online request for further info on the institute. In those few minutes, I realized that I had to go to St. John's for my masters.

That night, I told Crystal. I'm rarely excited about anything these days, so when I came home all gushy about this program, she knew I found something I was serious about.

A lot has happened between then and now. Two people with whom I've been privileged to work, including Dr. Gary Smith of W&M, have agreed to write letters of recommendation for my pending application. I'm also starting to think of the application essays (one of which will basically be a reworking of a review essay I wrote on a book by Thomas Oden and was printed in Affirmation & Critique (click link and scroll down)).

We'll see what the Lord does. Regardless, we're hoping that August 2006 sees us living in Annapolis and me reading the classics.